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March so far in the Forces-of-Nature Diaries
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Member Details Session Description
Toys Used
Owner: hiett

Member#: 167
Registered: 10-03-2003
Diary Entries: 1

8th March 2003
Windsurfing: Hillhead
Wind Direction: SW
Wind Stength: 25-30kts
Surf / Sea State: Lumpy
Air Temperature: Mild
Sea Temperature: Cold
Weather: Tricky
Max Speed:
Distance Covered:

Fantastic day down at Hillhead, first time I've been powered up sub 5.0m since last October! Rigged a 4.9 Naish on my K-Bay wave and was well powered up from the start, no worries getting out even though it was very onshore.

Loads of chop and swell to contend with as always but a few nice ramps were on hand for some jumping. Gybing was a bloody nightmare as the water was just so lumpy, finding a nice spot to turn was very similar to finding a needle ina haystack. Trick was to go in ridiculously over commited, bending double at the knees and ignoring the massive burst of speed that resulted with the initial bearing away. Almost pulled off a sweet laydown duck coming back on port-tack in front of the groynes but it ended (like a lot of my gybes that day) well and truly in the drink.

All in all, a cracker and good to get back out in some decent wind.
Toys Used:
K-Bay Fast Wave ~75l
Naish Hokua 4.9



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